Hyundai vs. Volkswagen

What do we have here? Two very different car companies with the exact same TV commercial, even down to the music! Bates USA West is Hyundai's agency (for now!) and the Volkswagen commercial is a spec spot created by director Shawn Driscoll (now at Coppos Films). Hyundai Rain vs VW rain Read more to load the clips. You'll need the latest quicktime 6. You probably have it by now.

Who made who? We at Adland don't know, but some creative is all wet! two films side by side.

src="">Hyundai Rain vs VW rain Read more to load the clips. You'll need the latest quicktime 6. You probably have it by now.

Who made who? We at Adland don't know, but some creative is all wet! two films side by side.

clicka da play button!

src="">Hyundai / Rain

clicka da play button!

VW / Rain

Now.. what do you think...........?

src="">VW / Rain

Now.. what do you think...........?

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