Jean Paul Gaultier is Diet Coke's creative director and puppet whisperer...?

Diet Coke has announced Jean Paul Gaultier as its creative director for 2012, and so far it looks like he has made the can smaller and slimmer, redesigned the bottle a bit, and then stalked the puppets seen in the adverts.

Jean Paul Gaultier said: “The brand asked me to explore its fun personality and to style the bottle. I want to show people the codes and signatures I love. The bottles have the shape of a woman’s body, so it was great fun to ‘dress’ them. The Diet Coke motif is so beautiful I had to design around this. The finishing touch was to apply my logo to the bottle, like applying a fragile stamp – making it something special you want to touch.”

In the ads Jean Paul is seen as a therapist, a private detective and a fashion photographer - as well as a stalker extraordinaire who comes to the rescue during the dolls worst fashion emergencies. "Are you going to press charges?" is his slightly creepy catch-phrase in each ad. Danger; fashion!

In the Serial designer Thrills, our puppet is an actress so tired of fashion and uninspired, when her phone-cord is cut and her bedroom invaded by Jean Paul in flashes of lightning. He sets her up with full body ink and pink and calls it a day.

In "the romance", Jean Paul enters the bedroom of our sleepy heroine, who soon wonders how many hands he has, as he skillfully removes her robe and slides her into a striped dress instead.

Serial designer romance

In this one our puppet whisperer strip the puppet down just to entangle her in leather and zippers instead. How avant garde.

the serial designer rocks out

These ads with a twist are quite refreshing, as is that new slimmer can. Diet Coke may have found their niché here, saying the no calorie soda keeps you slim and ready to catwalk at any time.

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