Jennifer Lopez - Good Hit - (2011)

Since we're already banned by AdSense, I might as well post some music videos (and yes, I'm going to milk this all week, Google are überannoying to deal with y'all.) Here's J-Lo, the MILF in leopard spotted leggings doing her best cougar as teacher dance-routine to her new song that is a bit "my hump" and a bit PussyCat dolls "Don't cha" with some autotuner thrown in for good measure. Director Alex Moors and Nice Shoes handled all the color grading and VFX, while VFX Artist Rich Schreck led the beauty retouching team, and Colorist Gene Curley handled color grading making J-Lo come out looking really good.

"Alex originally wanted kind of a Hi-Con feel, with deep dark blacks and slightly blown-out highlights," Curly noted. "So we let the chroma bloom a bit since the sets and wardrobe were so colorful, and raised the highlights on her skin to give it more of the Hi Con feel. Moors has a tremendous sense of how to plan production for efficient post - we knocked the color grading out in five or six hours, because everything had been set up so perfectly." In the VFX realm, Schreck smoothed out the overall footage. "Because JLo was in such great shape, her ribs and collarbone became accentuated when the light passed across, so we softened that some," he said. "Otherwise, it was mostly a matter of evening out and softening skin tones. The biggest challenge, really, was having consistency among six artists while turning out 80 shots in three days."

Production Company: Hello!
Editor/Director: Alex Moors
Executive Producer: Sheira Rees-Davies
Producer: Paul Laurens

Color Grading: Nice Shoes
Colorist: Gene Curley

VFX: Nice Shoes
Conform/Beauty Retouching: John Shea
Beauty Retouching: Rich Schreck, Jason Farber
Producer: Haydee Cepin

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