Journalists at the Beijing Olympics complain that the internet is censored

Picking through Politiken (major Danish daily)this morning I find the headline: Journalists at the olympics complain about censorship - from the journalists press center you can not reach Amstery Internationsals website, nor perform any internet searches with the word "Tibet". C|Net reports the same thing

Despite earlier assurances that journalists would have unfettered access to the Internet at the Main Press Center and athletic venues, organizers are now backtracking, meaning that the some 5,000 reporters working in Beijing during the next several weeks won't have access to a multitude of sites such as Amnesty International or any site with Tibet in the address

Might it be the recently released report from Amnesty International which says that The Chinese authorities have broken their promise to improve the country’s human rights situation and betrayed the core values of the Olympics that made their site offlimits? Just like when people uploaded Tibet riot films to youtube back in March caused youtube to vanish off the web for folks within the borders of China.

C|net continues: "IOC members issued a clarification Tuesday, saying that Internet freedom applied only to Web sites related to ''Olympic competitions.'' "

Oh, well, that's perfectly OK then.

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