Levi's Go Forth Parody: Do Nothing (2013)

It's every person's legacy to make the world more to their liking. Now is our time. Dress the part, and do nothing!

Kidsleepy ripped apart Levi's "Go Forth", and now the comedy team known as the Parody Patrol wants to join in.

"Do Nothing" is a parody Levi's commercial that plays upon the inspirational message of world change, but targets the average joe instead of the next Steve Jobs. Instead of empowering the youth, our spot encourages them to be themselves, even if that means just becoming a lazy bum of a couch potato who, in essence, does nothing. After all, how often did Nelson Mandela put on a pair of Levi's jeans and say, "yep, today will be the day I'll end Apartheid!"?


Concept: Adam Huber & the Parody Patrol

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