Link Lust: Avant Garde font, movie poster fonts and fresh desktops

Even up here in the chilly northern part of Europe, the snow has melted for good, the sun is shining every day and the days are getting warmer. Now we really need to clean house as we do every spring, but don't ignore your desktop. It's time to backup and redecorate, for the latter Veer has sweet spring wallpapers in all sizes. My favorite is "Studio Sweet Studio".

The Designforum at AIGA brings us the story "Crimes Against Typography" chronicling the constant misuse of Avant Garde. The author Steven Heller confesses:

Crimes against typography are committed everyday. But few typefaces have been victimized more than the late-sixties/early-seventies gothic Avant Garde - and the felonies persist. The reason is a surfeit of angular ligatures that offer too many cheap tricks. I know because I am a recovering Avant Garde abuser. Although I haven't touched the stuff in almost thirty years, when the face was in its prime, I was hopelessly addicted.

One of our new adlinks is this lovely site about movie posters and the fonts that make them so cool. This poster-obsessed weblog looks at anything from vintage movie posters to modern solutions, discussing everything from the choice of font to the photography.

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