Link Lust: How Much Link?

Viking's Stationary Movies features 20 scenes made entirely of office supplies and you have to guess the name of the movie they depict. Yet another to add to the multitude of print ads with the Find-The-Movie concepts. (via We're not wired right).

Folks at W+K Amsterdam show off some new work for Nike ACG titled "Sculptures".

After These Messages is a new site that is self-described as: This isn't AdCritic, Cannes or the OSCARS. After These Messages is a forum for communicators to share, discuss and critique various forms of our work-not just on creativity-but on how the work is affecting society and our culture as well. As a member and contributor, you'll earn points for your actions, redeemable for goods from our campaign schwag bag. (So maybe we are just a little bit OSCARS.)

RadioAct!vist out of Australia currently has a podcast featuring intellectual property lawyer, Trevor Choy, discussing the latest in copyright laws for creative work along with other tidbits.

Thanks to our friends at The Ranch for the head's up on the Chaos 2006 Future of Advertising Conference at UT-Austin. Summary goes like this: UT is going to have a conference about the future of advertising on Nov. 17-18 with Keith Reinhard, Allen Rosenshine, Roy Spence, and Bob Garfield as speakers. Nick Law and Stan Richards are also panelists during the conference.

Pantone's Spring 2007 color report is out and filled with...oh what a surprise!...neutrals and springtime pastels. (via DesignForum).

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