Link lust - Lux dresses Sarah, fake reward posters try to sell movie.

"It's getting colder in Tel Aviv, apparently. Who knew?"
Sarah Jessica Parker poster advertisement for Lux gets more modest clothing after religious groups threatened boycott.

Gross promo #1 (Better late than never):
The poster of a girl bears a chilling message: REWARD for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the murder of Jessica Rogers.
See also Chicago Tribune
But the posters are just an ad, for a movie. Parents of murdered children are not amused.

In a city like Baltimore with its triple-digit homicide rates, the case of Jessica Rogers has caught the attention of many who feel sympathy and concern for the child and her family. The reward poster of the Audrey Hepburnish-looking girl is taped to telephone poles and news racks around town.

But she isn’t real.

The case of Jessica Rogers is really a case of a successful – if objectionable – advertising campaign. The truth in this advertising is that Jessica is a character in Baltimore filmmaker Francis Xavier’s movie, “Johnny Come Lately,” the story of a criminal profiler on the trail of a serial child killer. More than 700 posters were pinned up around town to create buzz for his independent film. The poster directs viewers to a Web site, which turns out to be a promotional site for Xavier’s movie company.
"I was just hoping people would go to the Web site and notice it's a movie." While he has no second thoughts about his ad campaign, he realizes that the poster might make some parents wince. He has a 12-year-old daughter and twin 6-month-old sons. "That picture represents everything that is lost in the city every day."

Easy promotion

He says the poster was an easy and inexpensive way to promote the film. "We're starving artists," says Xavier, 42. "We didn't have any money for any big-time marketing. That poster was the only thing I could really think of to get people to notice the movie."

Gross promo #2:
The "Seed of Chucky" Sperm Bank...
Gross or Brilliant? Oh, I'm torn.... The condoms are funny though.

Adfreak (Adweeks Blog, not to be confused with *AdFreaks) tells the story of HSBC's email server censorship. Amusing.
My nomination for prudest mailserver in the world however, goes to BBDO Detroit which has a problem with the phrase "the pen is mightier than the sword".

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