A new ad targeting widget and DVR fears overblown

Yesterday, a new digital device lauched that claims it can save the TV commercial from extinction. The Media Guardian's Stephen Brook reports that PV1000 created by British developer, Packet Vision, allows for viewers to only watch the commecials they want to see. It shows different adverts to different TV viewers during the same ad break, in theory showing commercials relevant to viewers.

This could be an effective way to create a much more targeted communications plan, especially on channels that have a wide variety in their audience.

Although in related news, Adage.com reports that Magna Global's newly released "On Demand Quarterly" reports that subscribers for DVRs are down.

The rate at which consumers are purchasing digital video recorder services is slowing in a manner that may indicate the devices don't have broad mass-market appeal, according to a new report from Magna Global.


"We believe this quarter's decline reflects the gradual maturation of the marketplace for DVRs," read the report, written by Brian Weiser, director of industry analysis at the Interpublic Group of Cos.-owned research unit.

"If predictions of large numbers of DVR subscriptions in the next couple of years are unfounded -- and the data we are seeing shows the rate of growth is slowing, not increasing -- our point of view is that DVRs appeal to higher-end subscribers," said Mr. Weiser.

For related stories on the death of the TV spot check out:
Garfield's "Chaos Scenario", Death of TV adverts?, and Death of the 30-Second Commercial.

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