Petrobras - Project Neptune - NBS plants Brazilian flag on the seabed (2014) 2:00 (Brazil)

Recently, Petrobras, Brazilian multinational energy corporation, has discovered one of the largest oil reserves in the world, 26,000 feet (8,000 meters) underwater. To show how important this pioneering achievement is for all brazilians, NBS has planted a Brazilian flag on the ocean floor, at the exact location where oil was discovered. The project was baptized "Neptune Mission" and also serves as a statement that the pre-salt oil belongs to Brazil and to the brazilian people.

In order to plant the flag, the agency had to make massive preparations, like a structure that could withstand the pressure at those depths. Professionals from different sectors such as advertising, geology, geophysics and engineering worked integrated for almost a year to accomplish Mission Neptune.

In just 3 days Neptune Mission had 2 million views on YouTube, reached 15.5 million people on Facebook and 3 million people on Twitter.

Title: The Neptune Mission
Client: Petrobras
Product: Institutional
Agency: NBS
Creative VP: André Lima
Creative Director: Eduardo Almeida
Art Director: Bernardo Cople , Dennis Sieber, Lucas Buléd
Copywriter: Eduardo Almeida, Felipe Mendes, Thiago Fernandes, Vinícius Theodoro
Account: Tatiana Soter Danielle Portella, Marina Gouvêa, Larissa Ximenes
Planning: Tatiana Soter, Bruno Altieri, Barbara Ferreira
Media: Fátima Rendeiro, Amália Machado, Dayse Pereira, Luciana Santos, Vanessa Alves, Ronny Alvarado, Luma Coutinho
Producer: Graziela Morgade, Mariana Hosannah, Nathália Dutra
Client aproval: Wilson Santarosa, Luís Fernando Nery, Gustavo Ferro, Michel Chedid e Graciano Santos

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