Quit Plan "Everyone's Monkey is Different"

The nasty looking beast on the guys back (at the end) is a Mandrill and we shot him against green screen while he hugged a green screen bust that closely resembled the size of the guy. We later lined up the shot to make it look as if he was on his back. The mandril's trainer was the actual guy who gave us a few "safety" tips when around this thing, namely , "Never look him in the eyes" and "unlike a chimp, he gives no warning".

Hoytyboy Pictures
Director – Steve ‘Spaz’ Williams
Clarity Coverdale Fury
Executive Creative Director/Art Director – Jac Coverdale
Creative Director/Copywriter – Michael Atkinkson
Editor – Inome Callahan
Beau Studio
CG Supervisor – Anthony Bussiere

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