Radio Advertising Bureau

Hear Mary Bennett, executive vice president of the national marketing division at Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB), examine the relationship between advertisers and agencies and what creatives are doing to get through the clutter. Mary also discusses RAB’s Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab study that measures consumer reactions to radio, TV and newspaper advertising and how radio has a more emotional and personal one-on-one affect. As executive vice president, Mary represents more than 40 radio formats and acts as a resource to national advertisers and agencies extolling the asset values of radio advertising. She sits on the boards of the Radio Creative Fund and American Women in Radio and Television. Her achievements also include receiving the coveted “Radio Wayne” Award and Radio Ink Magazine’s “Most Influential Woman in Radio.”
You can tune in Saturday 8-10 p.m. CET (2-4 p.m. EST) to for the live webcast. Or check out the commercial free archives.

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