The same visual...but different ideas!

Here's a new one for the fodder - same visual - different idea. Try that one on for size.


quarantine poster

Client: Gametek

Agency: Crispin & Porter, Miami

AD: Markham Cronin

CW: Pieter Blikslager

Line reads:
The delightfully violent driving game.

Seen In:
Communication Arts annual 1995

The Economist poster

Client: The Economist

Agency: Abbot Mead Vickers BBDO Limited

AD: Paul Briginshaw

CW: Malcolm Duffy

Line reads:
The Economist

Seen In:
D&AD annual 1995

Hmm...Well.. ........Same visual..Different subject.....Different idea...Same year.

I really like the "delightfully violent" driving game ad, since it is so simple slick, and, I get it, unlike the economist. (I think the economist is trying to say that it get you out of the red or something, but what do I know.. Besides, I'm not their target-market.. Obviously).
I think it was coincidence.....but what does the Economist one really mean?? Get you out of the red? :)) Share your views!

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