Seth Green mugging most likely a really stupid PR move.

Either we've become really really cynical or people are trying to pull the wool over our eyes too often, but Superfish reckons that the Seth Green mugging videos are fake. Why? We'll, if you look at this first one where he freaks out, it seems that he's pausing for the other players to have time to say their lines. Does that seem right to you?

If this is just a stunt, what the hell is the point?

Quoting the fish;

Now a new video has popped online last night (after the jump) that's supposedly security footage of Seth getting mugged which also looks staged as shit. So I went back and found the old e-mail of him freaking out and that's when I noticed something odd. The link redirects me to YouTube via Threshold Interactive: A marketing firm. Whoops! And I hope Seth Green didn't pay a lot for this.

The freakout video was posted by TheCaligirl310 who has only had an account since October 4 2009, and the response video which is security footage of Seth getting mugged was posted last night by MegaChzheads. If you check teh intartubes for anyone named MegaChzheads you'll find he's all about Seth Green's mugging, on Digg, Reddit, ebaumsworld and any other buzz-propelling site out there. 88 hits in total. Can't say he doesn't work hard for the money.

If this is just a stunt, what the hell is the point?

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