
ADLEAK: Whistleblowers invited

AdLeaker is an anonymous whistleblower hotline where concerned insiders can securely release tips, documents, data, and other information about the ad

Royal Mail - It’s coming home / Football (2019)

This ad is so simple in its hopeful message it almost makes me want to root for England in the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup.

On Facebook, your face can be used in ads (without you knowing it) via SocialMedia

There's a new social media ad service posse in town, their name is Socialmedia - 'the social advertising network'. Their twist?

Amnesty banners brings the torture to your desktop

Over at Houtlust we've found these uncomfortable Amnesty banners which run on large sites in Turkey, such as CNN Turkey.

Problem middle child in Target banner ad

The banner links to Target's Take Charge of Education, where they donate 1% of REDcard purchases to schools.

Unfortunate Art Direction

I don't know why, but this sort of thing seems to only happen with meat ads.

Effies Use Nude Model In Banner Ad

Well, it looks like the Effies are following in the footsteps of industry advertising ads like CP&B's ads for Young Guns submissions and that
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SURE ActivResponse cause of Courtney Love going missing

I had to laugh when I read at Brandsuicide about the SURE active response online ad that appeared on top of a story about Courtney Love going missing.

Tres cool - Now THIS is ad placement!

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