
Audi - The road to zero emission - (2018) :60 (The Netherlands)

The road to zero emission

Coca Cola featuring Tibetan monks ticks off Chinese ex-pat in Germany

Have you heard that old myth about the McDonald's burger makers?

M&Ms - The Chosen One (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

Amstel Beer - best team in the world - (1999) 0:60 (Spain)

They are the best team in the world because if they lose a ball they can't play for three months.

Xerox 820 Information Processor - A monk's Personal Computer (1981) :30 (USA)

The monks are back!

Xerox - Monk - (1976) - 0:60 (USA)

How do you promote the 9200 copier? Why, by showing the first copiers - monks!
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