

Beer ads fail to seduce women

"laddish beer ads accused of alienating women the Guardian. Interbrew believes women are turned off by images of beer-swilling blokes such as

Bud Light - Stripper Cop (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

women are cows!

1 Comment

Arla treat women like cows.

Arla treat women like cows.

Hooters - Brandi & Laura / girls next door / Volleyball - (1996) :30 (USA)

Hooters girls have everything, guys. Why just take Brandi & Laura as examples. They have boobies, and they like sports like volleyball! WOO!

Virginia Slims - Lumber Camp gal (1984) print (USA)

"In 1906, the cook at The Great Northern Lumber Camp thought it would be all right if she enjoyed a cigarette with the boys."

AMC Rebel - Driving Instructor - (1970) 0:30 (USA)

Here's a classic ad that would never fly today, the poor driving instructor is teaching every stereotype in the world how to drive.

United - best businessmen, are women - 0:60 (USA) 1969

American Airlines: "Think of her as your mother" 1968

"She only wants what's best for you."

Lestoil - Women of the future - 1968

"Women of the future will make the Moon a cleaner place to live"


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