
Home Depot - Going Shopping (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

"Honey, I'm going shopping"
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Zima - Date (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

"Dessert, Doctor?"

Uncle Ben's Mini Bowl - Cannibals (2001) - 0:15 (USA)

San Francisco Jazz Festival - Low Rider (2001) - 0:45 (USA)

Three gangster-looking guys are cruising in an open top lowrider to the tunes of smooth jazz.

Truth in advertising - The Reel Truth part 1

Continuing on where Truth in advertising left off.

Nomad - Thousand and one nights (1999) 0:60 (Belgium)

Oh my love.

Telfort - Mafia - (1999) 0:35 (Netherlands)

Barq's - Swedish Stewardesses (CA classic) - 0:30 (USA)

The salesperson says: "Just det flickor, Bark's har sting..." and then something unintelligible and "...Sverige".

Norrland's Guld - Schysst. Schysst. Jätteschysst / Kusiner från Stockholm (1995) :45 (Sweden)

A man writes in his diary "I had my cousins from Stockholm, visiting last week" his voice over reads, in a thick northern accent.
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Wendy's - Soviet Fashion Show - (1992) :30 (USA)

The most awkward fashion show you'll ever see. In Russia, fashion show fashions you. Wait, what?

Carlsberg - Svensker - (1992) 0:45 (Denmark)

Scandinavians love to tease each other.

Old Milwaukee - Swedish Bikini Team / "Golden Bikinis" (1991) :30 (USA)

This short-lived beer campaign, it only ran for seven months, had a huge cultural impact. 

Old Milwaukee - Swedish Bikini Team "Surf Bikinis" / The Shark Fins (1991) :30 (USA)

"It doesn't get any better than this..." Doug Patterson was wrong.

Old Milwaukee - Swedish Bikini Team / Truck - (1991) :30 (USA)

True story: This ad campaign made me pretend that I was Norwegian all through college in the states.
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Sockerbolaget / Sugar - Lanthandeln / The country store (1985) :30 (Sweden)

Two little old ladies from abroad are trying to find some sort of sugar substitute, but the country store does not carry anything like that.

John Smiths - A mate called Smith / Spanish vacation (1983) :30 (UK)

After meeting a mountain of paella this man misses his mate called Smith

Kestrel Lager - Outback / woolabra wonga (1982) :40 (UK)

Kestrel Lager

I Love New York - Foreign Intrigue (1982) :60 (USA)

"I'm from Kyoto, but I love New York"

Curry's - Keeping House - (1982) :30 (UK)

Strohs - Europe (1981) - 0:30 (USA)

Benson & Hedges Silk Cut - Mbongoland 1879 / Garrison - (1979) :30 (UK)

This utterly weird ad shows a garrison under siege where the UK soldiers smoked silk cut for two weeks and then refuse to switch back.

Pepsi - The kind of girl I could talk to - (1972) :30 (UK)

Tagline: Lip smackin - thirst quenchin - ace tastin - motivatin - good buzzin - cool talkin - high walkin - fast livin - ever givin - cool fizzin PEPS

Birds Eye Beefburgers - Gangster - (1972) :30 (UK)

The ditzy blond who is the gangster's girlfriend doesn't quite understand the dire situation and suggests ordering Birds Eye Beefburgers

Borateem - House keep, Mom and Laundry man - (1970)

"Sure, I could bleach, but I'd rather Borateem thank you"

AMC Rebel - Driving Instructor - (1970) 0:30 (USA)

Here's a classic ad that would never fly today, the poor driving instructor is teaching every stereotype in the world how to drive.
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Alka Seltzer - Mama Mia, that's a spicy meatball - (1969) :30 (USA)

"Mama Mia, that's a spicy meatball!" says the actor as he chows down on the fictional "Magdalini's Meatballs".

Gillette - Swedish lady barber - 0:30 (USA) 1969

Gillette spoiler beats a Swedish lady barber any day.

Ford: "Take the Mustang Pledge" 1967

"I will not..." vs "I will"

Jell-O - Ancient Chinese Pantomime - (1955) (USA)

The chinese baby is eating glape Jello. Uh-huh.


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