TBWA opens up for business in Reykjavik, Iceland

TBWA\Reykjavik is the latest addition to the TBWA network. With a staff of 20, the Icelandic agency joins TBWA in order to provide better service to both domestic and international clients.

The fact that Iceland only has a population of just over 300 thousand does not tell the full story. Iceland is a blooming economy with one of the world’s highest income per capita and Icelandic companies have been rapidly expanding throughout the world, looking for investment and growth potential. This fertile business environment calls for the sort of networking capabilities that TBWA can provide.

TBWA\Reykjavik is already serving Icelandic clients that operate worldwide. By joining the TBWA network, the agency hopes to add even more cross-border clients.

“Foreign companies doing business in Iceland can turn to us with confidence, knowing that they will be getting service the TBWA-way. Joining TBWA is a big step forward for us and our sails have already caught the amazingly disruptive winds blowing through the network,” says Eirikur Adalsteinsson, CEO of TBWA\Reykjavik.

The Reykjavik agency connects to the network via the TBWA agency in Copenhagen.
The formal opening of TBWA\Reykjavik will be October 26, starting with a half day seminar and topped-off with a reception for 250 guests.

Tryggvagötu 11
101 Reykjavík

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