UN lauds advertising agencies for their pro-bono work

The UN has awarded three agencies for their pro-bono work that reflects the ideals and goals of the UN. The UNDPI awards are jointly sponsored by the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI) and The New York Festivals.

Three campaigns were selected, one print and two television. The Gold UNDPI award went to Leo Burnett Publicidade Ltda (Brazil) for "Favela", a print advertisement to raise awareness about poverty. Silver went to Leo Burnett Paris (France) for a campaign for "Enfance et Partage," a non-governmental organization (NGO) working to prevent child abuse. And DDB Jakarta (Indonesia) won Bronze for "Supermarket Baby," a television campaign about the trafficking of infants for adoption for Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan.

Leo Burnett São Paulo - The Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption - Favela (2004)

Leo Burnett, Paris - Enfance et Partage campaign (2005)

Cinema ad: Le dîner (the dinner)

TV ad: Le Chat (the cat)

Print ads:

Classic Partnership Advertising Dubai (United Arab Emirates), AMP Radio Networks Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), FCB Paris (France), and TBWA Berlin (Germany) were also honored as finalists.

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