the Viral Awards Evolves

Last years Viral Awards created a lot of chatter, some positive, some not and quite a bit of it within this worthy rag.

Well now they've been developed into The Future Marketing Awards, to cover a host of new brand communication platforms from Mobile to Film & TV and Environments. The Jury Chairman is Alex Bogusky from Crispin Porter & Bogusky, and we’re got a huge amount of client interest with clients including MINI, Burger King, Nissan, Procter & Gamble, Honda, Vodafone, Coca Cola and Volvo to name but a few judging the awards this year alongside great agencies from all over the world.

We have three regional judging panels, four events – New York, London, Tokyo and Shanghai, and a series of Future Marketing Seminars to accompany the great work.

If you'd like any more information then please contact us or take a look at

All and any thoughts greatly appreciated.

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