Wolff leaves Adweek, gets skewered in Bnet

Everyone has written about Michael Wolff leaving adweek. The NYT, Reuters, even Adweek themselves. And now B|Net recounts Wolff's career to date. There should be word invented for the type of resume B-Net's Jim Edwards just gave Richard Wolff. It chronicles his talent for running things into the ground and then failing upwards, with an extra dash of juicy personal details to paint the image of a man who cheats, backstabs and kicks his 85-year-old mother-inlaw out of her home. Yikes. I think it might be a diverticulum vitae. Juicy bits:

A clue to Wolff's character emerged in 2009, when the "bald, trout-pouted" 55-year-old was caught sleeping with a 28-year-old intern at Vanity Fair. His wife kicked him out of their Manhattan home, but not before joining him in a lawsuit to evict her 85-year-old mother because they wanted to sell the apartment she lived in. As you can tell, he's a charmer.

If you think abandoning your wife and cashing in on your "batty" mother-in-law's home is cruel, it turns out this is par for the course.

Jim Edwards used to work for Adweek, by the way.

"Uniquely unsuited" isn't an opinion, it's a fact. Here's what Wolff told me he believed about the ad agency business in 2003 when I interviewed him for Campaign: He said Agencies are "run by people who know nothing about advertising. The idea that you will be able to get great work out of disparate agencies across the globe is just ridiculous." Those "know nothing" global agencies are, of course, in rude health. (You can see more of Wolff's barely concealed contempt for the business in this column he wrote for Adweek about how awful the Cannes ad festival is.)

While most of us agree that the new sleek look of Adweek&Adfreak is purdy, and I know that it's raised traffic to the site, nobody seems quite sure what will happen with it in the future with Jim Cooper now running the show. I'd be hanging out on Adage all day if that splash-ad I keep getting wasn't such a turnoff.

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