Lexus NX "What you get out of it" (2015) :30 (USA)

In the future, we will park our cars in ammunition warehouses. We will dress like fashionable totalitarians in a science fiction film. We will walk in packs of ethnically diverse groups, carefully chosen from central casting. We will ride bicycles into shipping containers. And carry red suitcases into shipping containers. In the future, we will also throw things in shipping containers. Things like guitars. And snowboards. These too, will be red, for some reason. We'll also have a scary looking dog with us, for some reason. The dog will have a red color, and one of us will wear red gloves. Because in the future, we were dark colors, but accessorize with red.
In the future, we will turn those shipping containers into metaphors for roominess. And then we shall break open the shipping container and unveil a new car. Once we unveil the car, we will show as many features of said car as possible, including headlights which are supposed to dazzle us for some reason, because even when revealing new cars in the future, the Reveal Of New Car ads will be the same as they've always been: bereft of new ideas, over-the-top voice over that makes it sound more like a flying car than an SUV hybrid, and car porn, car porn, car porn.

Client: Lexus
Agency: Team One

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