Bad timing makes mediocre ad a knock-out

öhmanFloyd Patterson's death at age 71 turned a ho-hum ad into a knock-out in bad timing. The very same day the investment bank Öhman ran full page ads in Swedens Financial newspaper DI, and regular newspaper SvD, depicting Floyds match against Ingemar Johansson. In the body copy they describe Johansson's "killer knock-out" against Floyd.

You can't make shit like this up.

The CEO of Öhman's, Tom Dinkelspiel, said to Resume "that the ad would run the day after Floyd had passed away is such a weird coincidence you'd never think it would happen.

Ah, but it did! Proof people never read the ads anymore, as none of the newspapers noticed and warned against it before printing? Or hey, even the agency Rönnberg & Hummingbird might have called and asked to run another ad that day.

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