New York Post from Post House

Editorial Company Crew Cuts has started the New York Post tabloid spoof, which much like Adweak is The Onion for adnerds. (wow, enough cross referencing there yathink?)

In it they carry stories like Nike Swoosh on the moon, which reminds us about that stunt Cunning Works (formerly Cunningstunts) are said to have pulled when they projected J-Los butt on the moon.

You can see that stunt on Cunning Works website (scroll down).

Everyone who thinks they actually mooned the moon raise their hand, I have a bridge you might be interested in....


For those keeping tabs back home, yes the "advertising on the moon" gag was probably first done in Franquin's 1959-60 comic book masterpiece "Z comme Zorglub" (Or if you speak Swedish, "Z som i Zafir") where Zorglub sends rockets to the moon to spell out "Coca-Cola".

His mistake though, was that all his little helpers spoke backward and had thus spelled the brand name "Aloc-acoC".


In fact Zorglub/Zafir is such a great over the top bad guy I wouldn't be surprised if Dr No was modeled on him. ;)

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