Mind Cooler - Dry Cleaning / Wedding - (2004) 0:30 (Sweden)

Shot with a hidden camera.

Dry Clean Man: I have some bad news...
Man: OK..?
Dry Clean Man: Everything we washed yesterday.. set on fire.
Man: You have got to be kidding..?
Dry Clean Man: Nope. It was Bosse he was changing the oil in the drum, and he was smoking at the same time. It just went *boum*.
Man: OK...Even my suit and pants?
Dry Clean Man: Everything.
Man: ...I was planning on wearing these at a wedding now on Saturday....

Dry Clean Man: But hey, I got some good news too.
Man: Yeah...?
Dry Clean Man: Mind Cooler.
Man: *baffled look*.

Dry Clean Man: It's really tasty you know.


Super: Mind Cooler - Finally some good news.


Pun Note: "Good" is also "tasty" in Swedish.

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