Reklamförbundets tårta (The advertising associations cake in Sweden)

Reklamförbundet has changed their simple black and white logotype to a colorful circle that reminds me of a cross between TV test picture and a printers mark.
To celebrate they decided to let all their members eat cake. Not a ready-made cake, but a do-it yourself kit - with all the trimmings and decorations you could possibly want for a cake. Resumé reported that some recipients of said cake were offended because "canned whip cream is really bad for the environment".

But for those who did get it, it was funny. The cake was a nudge-nudge joke to all the recent cakes sent over to ad agencies by assorted affiliates and subcontractors, but with a twist, as you had to assemble this cake yourself. It sums up the advertising association, you'll only get back what you put in, and it beckons those who can't keep their hands off stuff to interpret the cake in their very own way. Some agencies did this, and their cakes can be seen at (Hat tip, newmateria).

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