
Neviot - 7 Calories / Weights - printad, Israel

Who said burning calories is hard work!?

Renault - Parade Balloons - (2008) :30 (Argentina)

Everyone is stuck in traffic and the balloons show what they'd rather be doing.

Telenet - The fly - (2007) :30 (Belgium)

Everything looks cooler in super-slow-mo.

LUX - Balloons (2006) :90 (Argentina)

A woman takes a bath in a bubble-bath-balloon tub.

Mass Mutual - It's a Girl (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

Johnson Controls - Balloon - Major Office Complex (1986) - 0:30 (USA)

"To you it's a major office complex, to us at Johnson Controls it's keeping sixty-eight-thousand people warm or cool. "

Johnson Controls - Balloon - Los Angeles Airport (1986) - 0:30 (USA)

The Johnson Controls spokesperson flies his hot air balloon around LAX.
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