Why web 2.0 won't work with tradepress sites (like Resume)

Resumé in Sweden (which is either adage or adweek, take your pick) has decided to start a 'community' and force people to stand for their comments (as users). I get that, they're sick of "anonymous". Hell, that's why I only allow comments here from anyone who signs up - you could be "jacktheripper" both here and at Resumé and your comments will always be yours, yaknow?

But then they did the extra-weird thing and allowed signed-in-users to be anonymous. Ah, okaaay.... Wait, you didn't want anon comments, right? Wait a second.... Wasn't that the problem?

Either way, I got myself a user, and I always sign my comments with my name, cuz, as you should know by now, I'm an idiot.

So I have to sign in every time I comment... The cookie planted will die at anything, If I even look away from the damn screen I have to sign in again. God forbid I sneeze mid-session, I'll be logged out! But even worse, when I do bother to sign in (to comment obviously) I'm not immediately redirected to the page I was just on, and logging in from. Noooo, I'll get redirected to some stupid-ass "community"-thing and have to fight my way out of there like a fly stuck in a web (how apropos). I find myself landing on a webpage that shows all the members Resume has, and their pics and blogs and forums and oh-god-just-kill-me-already. Jesus, in 2002 I spent ages(*) trying to sort out how users would be thrown to the page they were once on, when they logged in, just so that they could do what they wanted to do (comment! Probably.) without too much hassle. And here Resumé just invented a way to annoy me. It seems to me that web 2.0 (which is getting so mold-covered already, please just leave it alone people) forgets what made web 2.0 from the start;

a) a willingness to share
b) the ability to

Neither one ad people have by the way. *WINK* (I'm saying wink in big letters because it's late, and I thought you might miss it in the dark).

p.s. have you seen Creative Review by the way? They upload the photographs they publish to flickr! That just kills me.

* ages means it took me a long time to do it, but it would take seven days tops. I betcha never even noticed, didya?

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